Chrysler Diagnostic Application is special diagnostic software for cars of Chrysler Group. In the presence of a dealer can access programming.

Works with the following original interfaces: wiTECH VCI Pod, StarSCAN, StarMOBILE.

Possibly works with third-party interfaces from Vector Hardware: CANcardX, CANcardXL, CANcaseXL, CANcardXLe, CANboardXL.

Chrysler Diagnostic Application Functions:

Add autostick to V6 vehicles after nag1 swap
Add evic to cluster (after installing an EVIC cluster)
Authorize dual control climate
Delete DRLs
Program keys
Change VIN in PCM after engine swap or engine change
Add SKIM codes
Add any feature you might be missing and you’d like to have (after installing your parts)
Reprogram mileage in the TIPM/PCM depending on the year
Troubleshoot stuff
Change gear ratios without the predator (only the ones available at chrysler)
Troubleshoot weird pcm problems,ie: A/C does not work anymore, however mechanically everything is in order.

OS:  Windows 7, Windows 8 WIN10  WIN11

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